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Generic Sildenafil NZ Products

January 24th, 2014 | Posted by New Zealand Pharmacy Support in Viagra NZ

Want to save considerably when buying Viagra online? Generic Viagra has the same composition as the original Viagra, but sold under the name of its active ingredient, or under another brand various known pharmaceutical companies in the world. Generic forms of Viagra are significantly cheaper than most of Viagra at the same efficiency as the pharmacy option.

A significant part of not only drugs Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, delivered to the world market by pharmaceutical companies are the so-called. They have exactly the same effect as drugs sold under a well-known trademark, the inventor of the drug given to them, because they have absolutely identical composition. Such drugs are usually cheaper because firms do not need to have to invest a lot of money in advertising campaigns aimed at the promotion of the drug.

In the case of Viagra, the active component is sildenafil citrate. In the photograph here shows the most well-known brands, which are manufactured under the generic form of Viagra.

All the generic form of Viagra NZ made ​​known pharmaceutical companies and provide exactly the same effect with Viagra at a much lower price.

Before you order Viagra, or its equivalent, you need to ascertain the cause of the functional disorders (seek advice of andrologist or urologist) to avoid two misconceptions that are associated with Viagra:

1. Viagra and its generic clones are not agents in the sense that investing in people is the word on the narrow-minded level. This class of drugs does not lead to an erection automatically, regardless of the presence or absence of sexual desire (desire). Viagra effect manifests itself in a significant rush of blood to the genitals and long-term retention of such a state only if the sexual stimulus (desire), but in the absence (without drug) the ability to maintain an erection. When this man’s ability to maintain long intercourse increases several times: instead of the usual 1-2 minutes for it to act extended 8-12 minutes.

2. Viagra avaliable in New Zealand and its generic clones are not able to solve the problem of sexual dysfunction if they are caused by some physiological disorders of the penis, etc. These drugs and decide to help men cope effectively with problems mainly psychological condition when a man because of one failure plunged into a state of uncertainty in the future falls into a vicious circle: the failure, uncertainty, failure, etc. Uncertainty causes problems of a functional nature, mainly the inability to maintain an erection for a long time and at a high enough level. It is sildenafil (Viagra active principle) helps to solve this problem.

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