Viagra NZ Effects in the Young
October 29th, 2013 | Posted by in Viagra NZIt is firmly established a shockingly widespread use of Viagra among the twenty-somethings.
Since the fateful and not far A.D. 1998 was invented Viagra, Wellington has often been identified as one of the New Zealand regions with the highest consumption of drugs against male impotence. Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin, has always been among the top ten cities in the national rankings.
The 2009 data released by the Association of pharmacists showed a further increase in the district of Auckland in 2009, Viagra NZ sales have increased from 73,500 to 79,500 packs, and were sold 70,200 boxes of Cialis, about 19 percent more compared to 2008.
But as we are interested to put on the plate is not this, however, in itself interesting, but what he sees the sale of these drugs increasing exponentially among the very young, between the twenties.
Quantitatively control the spread of Viagra Online among 20 year olds is more difficult than in other age groups: it is difficult for a twenty year old goes to the pharmacy and purchase (with a prescription, then) the drug in question. At the pharmacy these products cost too much for a boy about 50 euro a pack of four tablets of Viagra, around 80 euro a Cialis.
On the internet, however, prices are much lower. It is clear then that a 20 year old, and still a student with little disposable income, will tend to buy these drugs at a lower price on the web, which is less controllable sale in pharmacies. Also for this reason, therefore, a 20 year-old will be reluctant to respond truthfully to the question about the use of Viagra? The classic excuse is ”a friend of mine actually does use it” is increasingly widespread, and so we agree with the polls.
By doing a quick search on Google are found dozens of blogs, forums and sites where, covered by the anonymity of the network, even very young people say they use and abuse of these products. It seems serious threat today as the deadly combination of Viagra in New Zealand and testosterone, which in gyms already depopulated.
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