The controversy that surrounds medications such as Viagra continues to swirl and, at times, pick up speed. Despite millions of men using the product with success, there is always the never ending question “does it really work and what are the side effects.”
There have been endless studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of generic Viagra purchased from reliable vendors and used as directed. Even though the response from using Viagra has been overwhelmingly positive, there are still questions about its safety and effectiveness.
Most of the questions about erectile dysfunction medication such as Generic Viagra are about the side effects and the level of challenge they bring to the user. Another top of the list question is whether medications such as Generic Viagra are legitimate treatment options. It has been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt generic Viagra procured from a reliable vendor and used as directed, including taking the necessary precautions when other medical issues, other than erectile dysfunction are present, are safe and effective. Erectile dysfunction medications, including Viagra, purchased from unreliable vendors bring a variety of questions and concerns about safety of the product, the severity of side effects and the overall effectiveness of the product.
The safety and effectiveness of medications such as Viagra is a combination of the proper mixture of ingredients used to promote proper erectile function and the proper dosage. It is always important to use Viagra only as directed and make the necessary adjustment with medical supervision. Miss using the product could lead to adverse and long term health conditions and false expectations. False expectations are the things false claims and law suits are made. Claims against the medications are always studies to find out if the product was used as directed. If the product was used as directed, the problem is studies and remedied. That is standard practice when claims against any product are filed.
There will always be controversy with a product, no matter how successful it is. The results of using Viagra will always vary, but for most men the treatment option for erectile dysfunction will work. The results are largely based on body chemistry and how quickly it is absorbed into the system and if the medication is taken with food the kind of food that is consumed.
The proper use of generic Viagra includes taking the medication about an hour before anticipated sexual activity and using only the prescribed dosage. Using more of the product than directed will not enhance the generic Viagra experience, but could have the opposite effect. Mixing generic Viagra with other medications, alcohol and recreational drugs will alter the chemistry of the product and make it considerably less effective than it should be.
If the known side effects do not subside with use, men should stop using the product and consult a medical professional. If new side effects occur or know side effects worsen, men should stop using the product and seek medical treatment immediately. Generic Viagra should only be used for erectile dysfunction by men over the age of 18 and should never be used by children or women.