How to Get a Viagra Prescription
August 29th, 2013 | Posted by in Viagra NZThe question that Viagra should be sold in pharmacies only on prescription has been discussed for a long time. The problem concerns many global organizations, in particular, the European Medicines Agency, the World Health Organization. This is due to the fact that the drug has a strong negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
Viagra NZ (sildenafil citrate) is a drug of a completely non-herbal, synthetic origin, which was originally developed to treat angina and heart failure. It wasn’t until later than the amazing characteristic of the drug to direct the blood flow into the penile are was discovered as a side effect, and this gave birth to Viagra – and nowadays Viagra online is a most common thing to get.
In fact, sildenafil citrate in New Zealand today is used only to treat erectile dysfunction, or, simply said, for the treatment of impotence caused by reversible functional and organic disorders. This is the mildest form of impotence, which is easily conquered with the help of oral drugs.
The problem of erectile dysfunction is particularly relevant in recent years. This is due to the fact that the general background of deteriorating health of the nation, there began to appear younger patients requiring treatment with Viagra Online. In connection with this the demand for drugs that enhance erection, in particular, Viagra NZ, increased by several times.
Sildenafil in New Zealand is so popular that people started using it recreationally, expecting miraculous effects that Viagra can bring. This fact has long been taken into account: a rather large list of drugs, including Viagra in New Zealand, is sold strictly on prescription, which, incidentally, is not easy to get. This is preceded by a thorough history and examination of the patient, holding a set of laboratory and functional tests. If erectile dysfunction is diagnosed and it is a functional one, then the patient receives the coveted prescription, which gives the right to purchase only a limited amount of the drug.
Some online pharmacies will sell you a drug without a prescription and no questions asked. But it is still better to get a prescription from a urologist or andrologist to make sure that Viagra use is safe for you. If you do not want to buy Viagra Online in person, go on the Internet and typing the appropriate keywords in any search engine, you will find a lot of offers to buy Viagra online for home delivery and hassle-free.
If the patient is misguided to buy Viagra in New Zealand without prescription, there is a possibility the acquisition of low-quality drugs. At best, they simply will not work properly, the buyer will receive chalk instead of sildenafil citrate. In the worst case one can develop very severe complications, and the outcome will be hard to tell.
In accordance with the company code of ethics, Pfizer withdrew the application for non-prescription sales of the drug. This creates prerequisites for Viagra to be sold only on prescription. But this measure will never be realized without taking action on the part of the legislature at the federal level.
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