They say that good personal hygiene, including well organised physical activity, is crucial in terms of keeping sexual troubles away. Thus, men who regularly exercise are less exposed to the risk of erectile dysfunction. But there has been recently made another discovery associated with the use of Viagra that might engage the attentions of those going in for sports professionally.
According to the World Anti-Doping Agency, Viagra New Zealand can act as a dope to sportsmen, adding to their abilities to perform during sports events. The Wada has announced they have launched a study on the possible use in sports the famous blue pill, normally used to treat sexual dysfunction in men, but apparently able to provide that little bit extra for sports lovers. Aid which of course would be illegal. “I can only say that there are signs that indicate a possible unauthorized use in sports, which might be incredibly attractive,” he told the New York Times, the President of WADA, John Fahey.
Viagra works by suppressing an enzyme that regulates blood flow and allows vessels to relax, but is also used to treat pulmonary hypertension due to the action on the arterial wall. In the case of athletes, Viagra New Zealand allows an increase in the amount of circulating blood, greater oxygenation and thus a faster transport to the muscles, which for this reason would become more efficient. “But at the moment we are still in the study phase and before you decide to change, before you decide to place Viagra in the list of banned drugs, there will be a rigorous analysis,” announced Fahey.
It is also curious that Peruvian football club resorted to ‘the blue pill’ to facilitate acclimatization to the altitude in the trip to Cienciano of Cuzco, located at 3,400 meters above sea level, but with poor results and a 1-1 final that did not justify the investment.
The Gremio, during two trips in Cochabamba and Bogota (2,500 meters) and Palmeiras in Potosi (4,000 meters), tried Viagra, cheered by the laughter of the opponents in the field.
The sport is good for sex and has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. An hour’s walk, a swim, a run, if practiced regularly, can increase desire and satisfaction in the relationship, as well as contribute significantly to combat erectile dysfunction.
The news refers to a study carried out in Australia on 60 patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, between 40 and 60 years of age, divided into two treatment groups, with only the first PDE-5 inhibitor (sildenafil, tadalafil australia, or vardenafil) and the second with PDE-5 inhibitor in addition to regular aerobic sports activity for at least 3 hours per week.
All subjects were evaluated with a questionnaire recognized at the international level, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), which collects information on erection problems in terms of erectile capacity, frequency of intercourse, relationship satisfaction, intensity of ejaculation, quality of orgasm, frequency of desire, confidence and sense of adequacy.
“It is well known that physical activity, in general, is good for health; until now was found to be a protective factor in erectile function, but it has never been assessed its potential therapeutic value. It is enough to burn about 1,500 kilocalories per week jogging, doing aerobic exercises, bicycle or treadmill, a walk in the park or a swim, to have benefits even in sexual relations.
The mechanism that links the sport to sex is the same that ties the sport to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Erectile dysfunction and heart disease, in fact, depend on each case by a reduced blood flow to the penis and the heart. Physical exercise helps to counteract the appearance of blood vessel disease, fighting the formation of fatty plaques (fatty) at the level of the arteries, the body responsible for the insufficient spraying.
“The advice is to do regular exercise, without exaggeration or intense sessions to recover in a few extra pounds before the test suit – said Dr. Joseph Maio, the Policlinico Abano Terme (PD), author of the study – That is why to be effective it is necessary that physical activity lasts at least 30 minutes per session, is distributed over at least 3 days for a total weekly amount of at least 3 hours and it should also start with an intense aerobic activity.”
Added to this is an invitation to all men to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes the elimination of some enemies of sex such as smoking, alcohol, drugs and poor nutrition.”
The study, randomized, open-label, was conducted in a single center between June 2007 and September 2008 in patients with erectile dysfunction of any degree and physically inactive or less active (less than 2 hours of activity sport per week). For a preliminary assessment Andrology (Andrology visit with prescription drug therapy and hormonal profile definition) is followed for each patient visit at 6 weeks, after which followed randomization in the two treatment groups. At 3 months, all patients were evaluated with the IIEF questionnaire and by measuring the total testosterone.
“The results were surprising since the group held that in addition to drug therapy Physical activity also showed an improvement in erectile function as well as the other parameters of sexual satisfaction, compared to the group with drug therapy alone” – says Maio.
The study is currently under evaluation to be published in an international scientific journal.
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