If Viagra was the first drug to be discovered, Cialis and Kamagra help to feed the young but flourishing market of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, but unfortunately there is still too much misinformation and too often it is decided to resort to pharmacological remedies when in fact the problem could be completely different in nature.
So let’s try to talk about these 3 drugs which are the most popular, Viagra, Cialis NZ New Zealand and Levitra, and we’ll see at a glance what are the alternatives.
It now appears quite clear that, in terms of efficacy, there are no big differences between the three formulations because of the common mechanism of action, especially seeing that Viagra and Kamagra are brand and generic variants both based on sildenafil citrate; also regarding contraindications and side effects the 3 drugs are broadly comparable.
First of all we need to specify that all these drugs are not effective in case of vascular problems, and those must therefore be diagnosed and treated with the help of your doctor, and for this reason we will discuss drugs, including Viagra, Cialis and Kamagra, should be taken by prescription from your doctor, if they find them to be effective against erectile dysfunction. An episode of insufficient erection can happen to anyone, but this should not make you think of serious problems and you do not have to resort immediately to the use of drugs for erectile dysfunction.
Viagra New Zealand was the first to open the way for a new class of drugs that inactivate the biochemical mechanism that determines the relaxation of the penis: it is therefore clear that in order to manifest the promised effects there is however a certain initial sexual arousal required, i.e. an initial natural erection (the lack of which should make you think of vascular problems).
These drugs do not induce erections, but support it. None of these drugs is recommended for males under the age of 18.
The real difference which distinguishes Cialis from Viagra New Zealand and Kamagra, however, is linked to the timing relative to the therapeutic effect manifestation:
Appearance of the drug effect and duration thereof
Viagra | 30-60 minutes | 4 hours |
Cialis | 30 minutes | 36 hours |
Kamagra | 30-60 minutes | 4 hours |
The molecule that constitutes this drug is a PDE5 inhibitor: a total of Viagra is therefore able to sustain an erection as long as there is an initial stimulation.
The doses of Viagra and Kamagra range between 25mg and 100mg. The recommended dose for Cialis is 10 mg taken prior to anticipated sexual activity. In those patients in whom a dose of tadalafil 10 mg does not produce an adequate effect, it can be proven a dose of 20 mg. The highest frequency of administration is once a day for all of those drugs.
Finally, as regards prices, are obviously rather similar between Viagra in New Zealand and Cialis, but Kamagra is a generic variant of Viagra costs much less.