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Viagra Use in Patients with Special Health Conditions

September 5th, 2013 | Posted by New Zealand Pharmacy Support in Viagra FAQ | Viagra NZ

Men taking the brand version of Viagra or its generic form should take good care of their health and pre-consult with a physician, urologist or andrologist, for that matter.
In patients with many diseases Viagra can be used without hesitation, but they must adhere to certain restrictions and conditions. For example, those who suffer from heart disease or have recently had a heart attack or stroke may use Viagra only upon doctor’s allowance.
It is particularly worthwhile to warn men that as a result of any disease for a long time did not engage in sexual contact, and now would like to correct the situation with the Viagra.
Intercourse bears a great strain, and unaccustomed body may not withstand the stresses which in turn can lead to vascular or cardiac failure, or a heart failure.
So having sex with the use of Viagra and in the presence of heart disease should only be permitted by a doctor.
In some diseases of the eye is also necessary to be careful in taking Viagra, because this drug may primarily affect the eyes – for example, the blue mist which occurred in some patients after administration of Viagra can be easily explained by the nature of sildenafil citrate NZ, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, but which nevertheless can interfere with other types of PDE, including those responsible for the color perception.
Men suffering from two diseases of the eye – retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration of the retina – should not take Viagra, or alternatively take it under supervision of their practitioner.
After the incident with a man that suddenly developed glaucoma after the intake Viagra, doctors recommend not to use sildenafil citrate in those who suffer from increased internal pressure of the eye.
In such patients there is a talk of the increased risk of glaucoma, which in its turn may lead to blindness.
Caution should be taken in the use of Viagra in men suffering from stomach ulcer or blood clotting disorders (regardless of whether it is caused by the use of specific drugs or the cause is physical damage). Before taking Viagra, they should by all means be examined by specialists.
The use of Viagra in those suffering from the anatomical modifications of the penis caused by an extremely rare condition – Peyronie’s disease – is not allowed.
The use of Viagra NZ is not recommended in patients with such conditions as leukemia, sickle-cell anemia and malignant tumors of the bone marrow. These diseases can cause, though in rare cases, a prolonged erection that can be eliminated only by a physician.
The use of Viagra, needless to say, could further aggravate a predisposition topathologically prolonged erections, although as yet there are no known cases of Viagra Online triggering a prolonged erection (the one that would last for more than 4 hours).
When taken moderately and responsibly, Viagra is a real panacea against sexual problems and even a remedy for your failing relationship. With a good guide Viagra online purchase will become a key to success in your sex life overnight!

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